This pretty much sums me up |
Am I a grown up? Have I reached that point in my life where I should know (or at least
act like I know) what I'm capable of, and what I should be dedicating my time pursuing? Should I have my 5 year plan out on paper? What about a career? A house? A family? If that's the case, then I'm in quite the pickle. I know (and I'm grateful) that I've got some good things going for me. I really dig my current situation, but now what? Oh hypothetical blog audience (blogaudience), why do I ask so many overly-general questions?
The future freaks (and excites, mostly excites) me out. Right now, every action and choice I make (and consequently,
do not make) is what is defining the Kyle I'll be from tomorrow till infinity. I admit, it sounds totally corny, but it's just as true. So you gotta ask yourself, "Do I like who I will be?". As for me, I'm not sure. As far as I can tell, future-Kyle is going to be a caricaturized version of me today; a self conscious, hypocritical, daydreaming perfectionist. And I guess I can live with that, it's worked out pretty alright thus far. But the sound of a new and improved version of future-Kyle sounds too appetizing for me to pass up. So to help me figure out
who I want to become, I should probably take note of the things I enjoy the most right now. So take a look, what can future-Kyle expect when his time comes?
Things I like
Skateboarding, guacamole, slippers, sunshine, Summer, music, road trips, friends, laughing, inside jokes, candy, Spring, the beach, apple juice, art, ducks, block parties, dinosaurs, 25, life, free samples, drawing, hitting every yellow light, stand-up comedy, space, dreams, Mexican food, traveling, a clean room, being outside, owls, family, pizza, Arizona, bbq's, walking, painting, finding pennies, Being happy, Boulder, excitement, hats, camping, reading, fresh socks, coffee, riding my bike, fruit, my car, dogs, daydreaming, swimming, lemon-aid, cats, learning, writing, my backpack, ideas, whistling, listening, cheese, skate videos, doodling, making things, creativity, water, tea, the weekend, strawberries, arriving at a place right when a song ends, waking up before the alarm, finding cash in the laundry, karma, TED talks, thrift stores, flea markets, notebooks, being active, spelling long words right, peanut butter and jelly, deep sea movies, new things, treasures on clearance, full tank, getting shit done, birthday dinners, adrenaline, getting stuff in the mail, sunglasses, shorts, filming, fun, penguins, exact change, pictures, being lost,

So I still don't know what I want to do with my life, but judging by my riveting "things I like" list, I don't see me getting my own reality TV show anytime soon. Honestly, I feel pretty boring after typing all that. I just realized that some of my favorite things are also some of the most drab and mundane. So it looks like you've all got a fat, bald, boring (triple threat) future-Kyle to look forward too. Until then, I'll probably just keep doing whatever the hell it is that I do.